West Hollywood to Host Two Workshops on Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project


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Jun 10, 2024

West Hollywood to Host Two Workshops on Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project

The City of West Hollywood is hosting two virtual community workshops at the end of August 2022 to seek community input on the vision for the Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project. The

The City of West Hollywood is hosting two virtual community workshops at the end of August 2022 to seek community input on the vision for the Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project.

The workshops will be a guided discussion led by project partners, Here LA, to provide more information about the pilot project traffic calming strategies that were installed along Willoughby Avenue in April and to discuss the future vision of the streetscape for the Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project. The City seeks community’s input about a streetscape plan as the project progresses into the final stages and implementation.

Community members are invited to attend one of two free virtual workshops, pre-registration is highly encouraged:

For individuals who wish to provide input about the project, but are not able to attend the virtual workshop, the City is providing a number of other ways to provide feedback (via text message, via an app accessed with QR codes at the sites of the temporary installations, or via a web submission form). More information about these feedback opportunities, a brief animated video about the project, and RSVP links for the upcoming virtual community meetings are available at www.weho.org/city-government/city-departments/planning-and-development-services/long-range-planning/mobility-planning/willoughby-vista-gardner-street-design-project.

The pilot phase of the Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project began in April 2022 and consists of temporary traffic improvement strategies such as a traffic diverter at Ogden/Willoughby, corner curb extensions at Spaulding/Willoughby, and a mini-roundabout at Curson/Willoughby. These traffic calming measures were installed, temporarily, to model the impacts of street designs which intend to slow and/or divert traffic in order to make the residential corridor safer for local residents, pedestrians and cyclists.

For more information about the Willoughby, Kings, Vista/Gardner Greenway Project, please contact Bob Cheung, City of West Hollywood Senior Transportation Planner, at [email protected] or (323) 848-6346. For assistance regarding the virtual workshops and registration, please contact Paige Portwood, City of West Hollywood Associate Planner, at[email protected].

Have they ever thought about permanently closing a less-trafficked street like Waring or Romaine to create a NYC Highline-like thruway? In addition to creating a safe artery for pedestrians and cyclists through almost all of West Hollywood, it would also create opportunities for community gardens and other green spaces. The newly-installed traffic diversions do nothing but spill traffic into quieter streets and make current routes less efficient.

Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. register on the Zoom platformon Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. register on the Zoom platform.